I was somewhere between disbelief and hysteric laughter when I read this in the newspaper today:
"Ever since she was eight years old, Sandy K. was hopelessly in love with New York's Twin Towers. Neither of these two monumental lovers were known for being particularly talkative. Nor did they seem to be blessed with qualities of seduction. But to their admirers, the buildings were male, sexy and extremely desirable. For 25-year-old Sandy, the attraction to things is so overpowering, she confesses: "When it comes to love, I am only attracted to objects. I couldn't imagine a love affair with a human being."
Ever heard of Objectophiles? These people are actually physically and sexually attracted to objects!! There's a guy in the interview who claims to be in a serious relationship with a steam engine (A STEAM ENGINE!!). He claims he falls for 'technical wonders' and has been known to have an affair with an electrical machine that needed repairing, but now he's monogamous...
I'm not kidding you.
Flat update:
- To clean up the carpet will only cost £150 but the guy said that he won't be able to get some of the stains out, so I think we're definitely looking at putting in new carpet.
- Drove all the way to the furniture shop to take a picture of the sofa. Haven't heard Stu's verdict yet but it better be good! Have worked out the 4-seater doesn't fit in mum's car (even though it exists of 2 parts) so we'll have to go for a 3-seater. (delivery time is 7 weeks so mum & dad will have to do two extra trips to the UK in July)
- Decided to go for a 3,5 ton van rather than massive lorry which will decrease the rental, petrol and ferry price. Jeej.
- Stu & dad are currently plaster boarding the ceiling in one of the bedrooms which had the leak but are not sure what it will look like so we might need to get the ceilings replastered. Poo.
- Decided to leave the kitchen as it currently is until I get there and earn some more money this summer.