Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bank Holiday Tuesday

So Stu and I decided to have a fatty Giant burger from Quick for lunch today as we'd been eating (too) healthily recently. Mother of all hamburgers, thou art so lovely and full of grease, thou makes my liver ache for hours on end, but thou art it so worthy!! Sat in the City Park and looked at Juifkes (Jewish) children play - nothing is more hilarious than their curly wurlies jumping up and down when they run around! Am considering letting Jeffke grow some for comic effect...

I'm currently tuitoring English to Maxim, one of my babysit children from decades ago. He's now 14 but I've known him since he was 1 and crowling around the floor with a nappy on. He didn't appreciate me reminding him of that fact. At moments like these, it hits me how much I love teaching. Got totally into making flash cards and other cool excercises last night. GEEK. I think I might place an add in the Friday Add when we move back to tuitor literature, GCSE and A-level English. I've done it in the past and loved it then. Plus, the money can become our Saturday morning in Cafe Nero-money!

Have been reading the Russian Constitution all day as we have a test next week. Not sure what they can ask though - please expand on Chapter 7, article 152, point 4? I don't even know the Belgian constitution! It should also be mentioned that the whole book is one big lie (my appologies Mr Putin, but it has to be said) - Chapter 2, article 29, point 5: "Freedom of media is guaranteed and censureship is forbidden". I don't think you need to have been to Russia to know this is a blatant lie!

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