Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Had my first Night of the Proms rehearsal yesterday. Out of the 60 choir singers, I guess I knew 3 from the old days... Things have changed. The average age has also drastically gone up. Whereas in our days, we all used to be students and 27 was considered old, the 30 year old age group is pretty much the norm now. We tried on our uniforms (a hidious light blue coloured shirt which so doesn't fit the colour of my eyes!) and wrote down who we want to share a hotel room with. I'm still planning on studying hard on Tour... and looking at the amount of time we'll be sitting on the coach, I think I might get through more pages than I'd hoped.

Health wise I'm having a little struggle at the moment. Have been working so much and sleeping so little recently, my throat and glands are feeling sorry for themselves. I've finished the big French>English translation which only needs fine-tuning now. I have an increasing amount of homework, tasks and papers to write and on top of that I still haven't returned the translations I'm supposed to do for Imperial College. And ah yes, I have a Russian exam on Thursday. Really feel like curling up under a duvet with a good book and burning all Russian books by way of protest.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Car trouble (again)
In all my excitement about Courtney being here, I totally forgot to mention what happened to the car... (my fault - AGAIN). I drove back from choir practise and parked the car in the street. All week long, parking signs - *with plastic bags over them* - were put on the side of the street indicating you could(n't) park. As there were plastic bags over them, everybody parked there and so did I. I even told Stu I'd move the car in the morning as I'd feel more comfortable knowing Beast was parked nowhere near the signs. You can probably guess what happened in the morning when I went out to park Beast somewhere else...
Phoned up the police to ask what had happened with my car. The woman on the other side of the phone thought it was rather cool having towed away an English car - 'we don't tow them away often' - oh good. Had to get on my bike to the police station at the other end of town to pick up my fine, which you'll be pleased to know, I refused to except. I protested and appealed as my car was unnecessarily towed away so we'll see what happens there... After I picked up the police documents, I then had to collect Beast at the other end of town which cost us €125. We were going to buy a bed this month... NOT.
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Words aren't enough to express this moment...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Energy left after first week of second semester: 1%
Satisfaction of time schedule: 20%
Courage to get through Russian courses these last few months: 30%
Happy feeling about new courses: 50%
Russian Grammar exam mark: 40% (now there's a surprise!)
Sexiness of sexiest lecturer (just to keep me going when I'm bored): 35%
Amount of translation work: 150%
Russian Translation exam mark: 60%
Imperial College Application progress: 100%
Friday, February 02, 2007
I've been saying for probably over a year now I needed to go to the hairdressers. I find going to the hairdressers such a waste. I'm not very good at sitting still for such a period of time, I hate the fact I can only put my glasses back on when it's all done and it's looking nothing like you wanted it to look, they always tell me I have no hair but feathers (if there's one thing I have issues with in life, it's my hair!) and it costs far too much money for those few scissor movements. I really don't like going. I hate it. In fact, there's nothing worse I can think of then sending myself to the hairdressers.