Friday, February 09, 2007

Brief look at this week

Energy left after first week of second semester: 1%
Satisfaction of time schedule: 20%
Courage to get through Russian courses these last few months: 30%
Happy feeling about new courses: 50%
Russian Grammar exam mark: 40% (now there's a surprise!)
Sexiness of sexiest lecturer (just to keep me going when I'm bored): 35%
Amount of translation work: 150%
Russian Translation exam mark: 60%
Imperial College Application progress: 100%

I've run out of energy. It doesn't happen often but I'm literally dead. Drained. I was found standing asleep this morning and managed to have half an hour nap during English literature today with my eyes open. The fact that I start at 8/9AM and finish 4 out of 5 days at 7PM has hit me hard. Obviously I have gaps in between but they are filled with work at the moment. Of course I've taken on way too much work again, but I'm loving it! I've taken on a French into English technical manual which I'm really going to get into... I love learning new things and e-ID software systems are just what I wanted to know all about!! ZZzzzz.

Keeping up with my time table has been hard as I have so many contact hours this last semester. I guess my body will start getting used to waking up early and working late - at least that's what I hope it will do. I'll be screwed otherwise.

Went for dinner last night (yes, there's also a social life to keep up with) with Katrien & Tom and Evi, and I should have put my money on it - Katrien is pregnant again!!! Jeeeej - the baby is due in August.

Received an email from Imperial College today and they've sent me two Test Translations which I need to get back to them asap. Lets hope they find a second person who wants to do a Masters in Dutch, cuz otherwise I can be as good as I like, they still won't run the course just for me...

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