Went to the wedding on Saturday. Was a clear day – can’t really say it was sunny – but at least it wasn’t tipping it down, which meant I got to go up in the plane!!

And not only did I get to go in the plane, I got to fly it myself as well!!!! Stu and Dan drove me to Mr. Royce’s house, which has a 5 kilometre drive (and I’m not joking). Mr Royce then introduced me to one of his pilots who was going to take me up in the air. I was given some brief instructions on how to behave in a small aircraft. And when I say small, I mean small. I wasn’t quite sure whether it would go up in the air as it just looked like a steal frame with a curtain around it. I was asked about my movement sickness, which is pretty much non-existent, and was explained how to open the door if I would be sick mid-air. Hmmm.
The flight itself was brilliant. I got to see the sea in the distance, the South Downs, Mayfield and Crowborough on top of the hill, and obviously the wedding guests who had all gathered outside and stood waving at me. In taking in the scenery I nearly forgot to take pictures… After doing several circles around the farm, he asked me if I wanted to have a go. So there I was, holding the steering wheel, going left right and centre. Absolutely brilliant!
(spot the landing strip!)
The rest of the night was spent dancing and eating a very yummy hog roast. We were the last ones on the dance floor and actually turned the lights off when we left. Everybody crashed at Ad and Lucie’s, where we had some bacon butties to get over the hang-overs. (may I note I didn’t drink all night and actually drove all the drunkards home – 7 in the Beast + 4 crates of beer) Cosy.
During the evening Chris and Lin also announced they are going to have a baby!!!!! Jeeej for all of us growing up!!!!

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