Friday, July 13, 2007

Wedding weekend

Have to attend Jamie's twin sister's wedding tomorrow. Weather permitting I will be taken up into the sky by Mr. Royce to take pictures of the farm from above. Apparently his son his turning 21 tomorrow and they are having a big party at the Rolls Royce estate; I'm just hoping he won't have had too much to drink by the time he takes me up in his plane. Must also make mental note to wear some form of shorts underneath my dress as I'm thinking it could be pretty windy up there, and guests might start taking pictures of me instead of me of them...

Work got a little busier towards the end of the week which makes time pass more quickly. Still not the biggest Brainjuicer fan though.

Went late night shopping to buy a dress for the wedding and ended up running to Starbucks for a Chocolate Frappachino. Probably been a good year since I had one last. YuMieeee.

Signed up on, which seems to be very much the latest fashion. Cool thing is that I found loads of ex-MW Summer Schoolers on there!

Will post some pictures after the weekend. (also of the flat - I know I'm slacking!)

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