Monday, April 30, 2007

Birthday list - 31/05/2007

Due to high demand, here's a short list of birthday wishes:
  • large wooden fruit bowl - something chunky but big - I'm planning on being very healthy!

  • a funcky medicine box (practical though, not just pretty)

  • pruning shears (small ones, not for hedges) - I'm going to face my garden in England, which I'm sure is a jungle by now.

  • several books which are listed on my Amazon list. Somewhere on the right, you just have to type in REPS which will take you to my list.

  • IKEA vouchers - always welcome! (especially as I'm not taking our old Summer School sofa back to England!)

  • large plant (tall) to decorate the living room in T.Wells.

  • subscription to Libelle to keep up the Dutch lingo when I move back.

I'll keep on updating this list when I think of anything else.
(Perhaps you could double check with Stu via msn or email to make sure sb else has not already bought it.)

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