Monday, March 12, 2007

Summary of events
  1. Went to the notary and got all our deposit back from the loft. Jeepie. That's now all done and dusted, and we are sad and relieved at the same time.
  2. Scored a dramatic 5/20 on my Russian test last week. Oops.
  3. Resulting in another episode of deciding to stop doing Russian - which I realised the next morning after lots of anger, throwing things around, kicking table legs, tears and hankies full of snot wasn't one of my brightest ideas as I only have 9 more weeks to go before my final exams.
  4. Damn, only 9 more weeks before my final exams.
  5. Shit, I still have a thesis to write.
  6. Played a new game at Bram and Tessa's this weekend, called Jungle Speed. Extremely fun but also highly dangerous (and sometimes even bloody!) game. It all involves trying to snatch a wooden stick on the middle of the time first.
  7. Choir rehearsal in preparation for several concerts with the Philharmonic Orchestra in a few weeks.
  8. Choir rehearsal for Proms. Still lots to memories before I go on tour next week!
  9. Went to Hobby Fair with mum. She wanted to look at patchwork, I went for the scrapbook making materials. Courtney and Carrie were right, the average age of people who are into scrapbooking is indeed 65...
  10. Courtney, Mich is finally diagnosed with his brain tumor! (I bet this is pretty weird for people who have no idea what I'm talking about)
  11. Sarah has decided to go to Moscow for 5 months in September which means I'll be visiting her in the snow towards the end of the year.
  12. As a result of my Russian failure, I've put myself on a very strict 'study' schedule - setting out what I'm doing each hour of the day to ensure I'm getting the maximum out of my days... (It's needed!)
  13. Made a Madeira cake tonight - realised after my 'you can knock someone dead with this cake'-fiasco last week, that a Madeira cake also needs 4 eggs...
  14. The weather is lovely at the moment which makes me want to sit on terraskes all day; need to make sure I plan this into my schedule for next week.

1 comment:

courtney ann said...

Ah... so you do still exist? Hehe... I miss you! Lol, I can just imagine you there scrapbooking with all the grandmas and drinking cups of tea, tee hee. But I'll tell you a secret - I have been known to do the odd bit of scrapbooking as well, so I can't talk. And oh my goodness, I was sitting there for ages thinking 'Mitch has a brain tumour?' 'Why don't I know what she is talking about?' 'Who is Mitch, this sounds serious!' And then I realised, hehe, half way through my grammar class, and I said 'AAHHH!' and laughed out loud, when the room was quiet, oh dear...