I have been behaving like the nerd of all nerds, the geek of all geeks and, rightly so, the loser of all losers. I decided to not take on any work for 5 days in order to fully concentrate on my other work, namely homework, tasks, papers, assignments and presentations.
I am drained, exhausted and feel even more stupid than before I started this exercise. I tied myself to the sofa on Saturday, surrounded by lots of Russian dictionaries, and told myself I wasn't allowed to get up until all my work was finished. At 2AM (!) I was done and very relieved I was able to go to the loo...
The entire weekend (aside from a Proms rehearsal Sunday evening) I studied Russian like a geek. I just feel I have spent so much time and effort into something of which the outcome is so tiny, shitty and little. It's just not worth it. Really.

Poltroon, perfunctorily, ignominiously, rickety, squalid, receptacle, volubility, lichen, drumlins, delectable, rampart, conflagaration, etc. SEE!
this is exactly how i feel about learning french... it frustrates the hell out of me and at times i think its just not worth it... but it is... you know that... little miss seven fluent languages!!!!
could save you the trouble: got the dutch version if ya like?
euhm... seven? as in 7? as in sieben? as in sept??
i am having lotte withdrawals! where is my lovely belgian friend? why hasn't she told me a story since tuesday? :)
ahh... how is my lovely belgian friend? and why hasn't she told me a story since tuesday? hehe... i'm having lotte-withdrawals...
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