I haven't been on here for such a long time, I've nearly forgotten how to do this... My apologies to all of you for not updating you on a regular basis after having pushed you guys into starting a blog - I'm well aware of the fact I've been slacking! As some might know, I've had a summer of working my arse off, both in the office (as PM) and at home after work (as freelance translator). There were many evenings when my laptop felt more like a boyfriend to me than Stu did, but I've decided that's got to stop. I've just finished my first week of part time in the office, part time working from home - and it suits me quite nicely.
I'll be trying to keep a regular blog from now on (I know you've heard this before!) and I've also noticed there's a feature now for adding videos - perhaps that might be an easier option!?
Quick update and some pictures:
- Been to Poland and the Czech Republic for a week - which I'm sure most of you will know by now. (see pictures below)
- Been to Scotland last Tuesday on a consultancy trip for work, which nearly killed me getting up at 4AM to catch my flight. I managed however to sell 30 licenses - yeah commission!!
- Leaving in 3 weeks on my American adventure - but more details about that soon once I've booked my flight!
- I love being self-employed - waking up at 8.30, walking into your office (opposite the bedroom) and being your own boss is brilliant!!
- Went on a special birthday gathering yesterday for Jamie. All 14 of us decided to Go Ape. It's one of those places where you climb in trees and do crazy things 20 metres in the air, obviously wearing harnesses. Absolutely brilliant. (BTW Bram & Danny - I was thinking you might like this as a birthday present?!) No doubt there will be pictures circulating soon from everyone who took some - I'll post the link.
- I've become Queen of Match Making!
- An in-depth personal profile (done by the company I went to see in Scotland - that' s their business) shows I'm the 'Motivating Inspirer'. It's a 15 page document about my personality and how I interact with people - which made me laugh out loud on the plane back as it was bang on!
- My vegetables are growing really well!! I now have 2 (perhaps 3, although I'm not sure if one isn't weed) cabbages growing, lots of turnips and 3 rows of carrots. I'm sure they'll be full grown by Christmas so I can make a lovely soup out of them!
- Babies: Katrien had a girl (Kaat) 4 weeks ago, Anna is due next week, Did in 5 weeks, Lin is having a boy (February), Boss David is become a granddad for the first time and Carrie is having a little sprout as well!!!!

No way...IT'S ALIVE!!! Nice to hear all's going well!
Yea! Welcome back! Your pictures are AWESOME! And, how have I never heard of Go Ape before????
Welcome back!
Nice pictures; nice people of course ;-)
Zijn dat die carrottekens waar wij zaadjes hebben voor meegebracht??
En ... vertel eens dat verhaal van die 'matchmaker', cos NOW you've got my attention! ;)
btw ... 'k zag dat je het heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel druk heb gehad maar hoop toch dat je mijn invite voor mijn B-day hebt gekregen. Het was heel leuk en heel erg jammer dat jullie er niet bij waren!
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