Some photos from last weekend

Yannalotte - she has the most amazing big eyes!

Laureanne and me

And this is Jenoah - you can tell by this cheeky little face he wasn't sure about being caught on camera - so he subsequently covered his face with his hands for most of the day whenever I was holding me camera - so pretty much all day really.

And so the adventure starts... Before you get to the Enchanted Forest (or het Elfenbos for the kids) you need to climb a rather steep hill and with Jenoah, Yannalotte and an entire picknick basket underneath, it's like working out in the gym.

Yannalotte just all let it happen really - check out the feet!

And then the adults become children... Stu on one of the Giant Swings!

Groombridge Place isn't particularly suited for disabeled people and parents with buggies in some places. Kurt and Stu didn't let a 5 metre high Fort stop them from having fun so up and down the buggy went.

Stu and Laureanne

Yannalotte does this cool thing where she folds her hands together as if she's praying (who knows?!) and then sticks her thumb in her mouth to keep herself quiet. Amazing to see such a wee baby keep herself happy...

And then some children got tired after a day of fun... We sat down for a while and had an ice cream. It didn't take much for Stu to wonder off into the wonderful world that is called Sleep.

Obviously, Stu lying there asleep is just too much of a temptation for the kids. So Jenoah couldn't think of anything better than to tickle Stu's leg and wait for his reaction...

This is photo still cracks me up everytime I see it! It just shows 100% how much he enjoyed teasing Stu! Too bad the picture can't play you his little giggle!!

He had it coming...
Nog, nog, nog, foto's !!!!
Ze zijn schitterend !
Maar dat is misschien omdat het mijn kids zijn ;-)
Ik ga de rest van de foto's dit weekend uploaden en stuur u zeker de link door!!
Iedereen die de foto's gezien heeft is absoluut vertederd door uw kids - vooral die van Jenoah in zijne giggel vindt iedereen geweldig!!
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