The hotels were all fabulous and the bathroom freebies immediately disappeared in my suitcase. I also got some very inspiring ideas for future bathrooms, the more expensive the hotels, the more designery the rooms. One hotel had a telephone on the loo and a fabulous massage shower which managed to keep me happy for an hour and a half!

The shows were cool to sing again and the artists were not all bad, so all in all, I think we produced quite a show. I was very impressed with the way things have moved onto a much more professional manner. The choir had proper headsets now with individual mixing between your own voice and the rest, the conductor of the orchestra must have joined the AA as he now managed to hardly/not miss any entries, the catering was superb whereas 7 years we sometimes refused dinner as we feared food poisoning, the lightening was brilliant - a show on its own and finally we were chauffeured around in a sleeping coach so plenty of leg space.
Obviously sometimes things went wrong, as they do. A full blown power cut 30 seconds into the opening Overture was pretty spectacular and made the audience even more excited. (Not sure if they realised everything was going tits up!). And also the one time they forgot to put in the diagonal bars of the stage (we're about 5 metres up!) was pretty interesting... The numerous times the coach driver managed to go the wrong way and may be the times we had to wake up ridiculously earlier weren't always as pleasant. But all in all, I had a wicked time.
One thing I've realised now is that I'm getting old! I simply can not do the whole partying trick after the concert anymore (we were usually back in the hotel around 00.20). All the youngsters go to the bar and have a few drinks - I'm still with them on that, only it's usually one drink in my case and I'm ready to sleep. They stay up until 5 or 6 in the morning, have breakfast and sleep all day on the coach. I tried but failed significantly. I can assure you, I was barely human. I've now resorted to simply accepting I'm not 18 anymore and need a bit more sleep to keep going...

There's a 4 week German tour towards the end of the year so I might do a bit of that. (Won't be able to do Antwerp and Rotterdam as we will have moved back to T.Wells by then) Next year, they will drop France and do more shows in Spain, combined with Scandinavian countries. Sounds like a good idea to me - they can count me in!

Hello Lotte,
I excuse myself in advance for my English but I don't watch BBC that often to catch that BBC English :)
I really like your blog, I didn't know it could be this great. Anyway, indeed it was a great tour and I'm glad that I've met you and that I talked to you. I didn't think that people "with such a bad hairdo" ;) could be that interesting.
About that old lady calling, actually you're only so old as you feel! I'm the same age and my hours in the bar where longer than yours. It's probably the few months :)
Well for me it's time to go back to my drawing board, had some great ideas during the tour, but drawing on a coach is not that easy.
Oh, I really like your photographs, can I use some of them to draw?
Greetings from belgium and hope to keep in contact
PS: a Dutch saying says: "vrienden komen en vrienden gaan, maar echte vrienden blijven bestaan."
Translation for the english talking people: "friends come and friends go, the true friends you get to keep!"
Ha ha Lotte,
Old ??
It's just that you aren't used to it anymore that's why ! Nothing to do with age. I heard the bars close in England at 11pm, so no wonder you couldn't follow the Belgian pace any more :-)
Anyways, also from mynentwege (:-p) I am glad I've met you and will visit you with my family one time.
Keep up your blogging and 'till later...
Greetz to Stew will ya !
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