A star is born! Around 3pm, I decided to head to the river to see what was happening. I read on the internet that high tide would be happening around 4.40pm so I had plenty of time to see the water rising. As I was preparing myself for some serious flooding, I decided to put my red English (country side) wellies on. This way I would be able to stand in the water taking pictures, when the other people would have to stand on the other side of the wall. Armed with my camera, I got on my bike.
The first thing I had to do was climb over the wall to get closer to the edge of the river. Police had warned people not to do so, but it looked like half of Antwerp had had selective hearing. I don't think I've ever seen the river flow that fast in my life. Boats going up the tide had serious issues and birds didn't even attempt a lift off. The water started rising slowly at first, but after a while you could literally see it move up every minute.

Apart from all the people present, the media was also well presented. Quite a few fancy photo cameras indicated journalists from the press. And two big fat tv cameras were filming the scene and rising water... until they noticed my wellies! They decided there was nothing more hilarious than a girl wearing red wellies, so they interviewed me!!!! I actually made the local and national evening news!!!

This is the link to my interview on
ATV, I make my appearance after a minute and a half and this is the link to the
national news (click on Dinsdag 20/03, 19u herbekijk uitzending) where you can see me standing on the edge of the river, around the 12th minute of the evening news. (looking very red). In the end, and this is also what I said in my miniature-interview, I was somewhat disappointed as the water didn't go over the edge and therefore my wellies didn't serve their purpose... But getting on tv was pretty cool so I guess that made up for it!
will you wear your red gumboots on stage on monday night so we can see you? oohhhh i am very excited about it!
hahaha Miss Gumboots..
en dat zonder natte voetjes :)
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