I love work at the moment.
It's really busy which is good because I drive on stress and pressure. We have some seriously big projects going at the moment but my favourite of all, which is why I'm so happy, is a new Xbox Game. Since I'm project managing, MY NAME GETS TO GO IN THE MANUAL of the game. Isn't that exciting!!?? Everywhere in the world, people will see my name on an Xbox game. (it's tiny, but it's there!)
If you don't believe me, check out Conflict Desert Storm I and II, Rolling, Futurama and Great Escape for Xbox, GameCube, PlayStation2 and PC. And if I'm really lucky, I even get to play the games as well; as part of my job! I don't think there are many people who can spend their working days playing a computer game... (and I'm not talking about minesweeper)
Another big project on at the moment is the translation of the Londoner into 12 different languages. That usually makes you pull your hair out after it's gone grey, but it's all fun fun fun.
The other side of my job at the moment is doing training and demonstrations for Deja Vu X, a translation software tool. (I'm now going to get all these emails saying "now I know what you actually do"; people think of me as Chandler; what does she do again?!) I'm going up to Manchester University to do a presentation soon and after that I'm going to combine a weekend of camping in Wales with doing some more presentations for the Welsh government. All funcky and groovy; especially for my CV!!
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Monday, April 05, 2004
Easter's nearly there!!
My toes are bruised.
We went out this weekend - Michelle and I and 10 boys. (Jamie and Richard flirting with the same Parisian girl; who could score first? Adi (very drunk) and Christian (driving) without girlfriends around; Dan (very very drunk) and still no girlfriend and a bunch of other guys) Ended up in DaV's and got our toes broken. They allow far too many people in there and as a result I get annoyed. Everybody wants to dance, go past you or just enjoy the pleasure of stepping on your toes.
Michelle and I spotted probably the most GORGIOUS man in the world. FIT FIT FIT (capital F). There's me going up to Stu asking if he saw Mister World going past... but it wasn't his type apparently.
Getting very excited about Easter now.
The Scott family and in-laws are playing the big
"Fred Scott Challenge" competition in Limington this year. The Fred Scott Challenge is this game in ode to Grandad Fred Scott, based on Boules, but with own invented Rules. (rules can be found on the website as well!) One of them is that if you are not family (but an in-law) you’re only allowed to win after playing for 3 consecutive years... I’m only on my second year; but I’m sure a rule could be made up as we go along in case I happen to win this year. And I can hear you wonder, what is there to be won? Well, there’s the troffee you keep for 1 year and you also get the honours of organising the trip for next year...
We're all leaving this Friday. Mike and Jacky are sailing down with Condor and Uncle Pete and Auntie Wendy are taking their boat as well. All the ‘kids’ are staying in a rented cottage... (I can tell you now I won’t be sleeping much!)
Also got the pictures of our day at sea up on the net; sailing on the British channel with Condor.
Check it out!!
My toes are bruised.
We went out this weekend - Michelle and I and 10 boys. (Jamie and Richard flirting with the same Parisian girl; who could score first? Adi (very drunk) and Christian (driving) without girlfriends around; Dan (very very drunk) and still no girlfriend and a bunch of other guys) Ended up in DaV's and got our toes broken. They allow far too many people in there and as a result I get annoyed. Everybody wants to dance, go past you or just enjoy the pleasure of stepping on your toes.
Michelle and I spotted probably the most GORGIOUS man in the world. FIT FIT FIT (capital F). There's me going up to Stu asking if he saw Mister World going past... but it wasn't his type apparently.
Getting very excited about Easter now.
The Scott family and in-laws are playing the big
"Fred Scott Challenge" competition in Limington this year. The Fred Scott Challenge is this game in ode to Grandad Fred Scott, based on Boules, but with own invented Rules. (rules can be found on the website as well!) One of them is that if you are not family (but an in-law) you’re only allowed to win after playing for 3 consecutive years... I’m only on my second year; but I’m sure a rule could be made up as we go along in case I happen to win this year. And I can hear you wonder, what is there to be won? Well, there’s the troffee you keep for 1 year and you also get the honours of organising the trip for next year...
We're all leaving this Friday. Mike and Jacky are sailing down with Condor and Uncle Pete and Auntie Wendy are taking their boat as well. All the ‘kids’ are staying in a rented cottage... (I can tell you now I won’t be sleeping much!)
Also got the pictures of our day at sea up on the net; sailing on the British channel with Condor.
Check it out!!
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Domestical issues
It is now Saturday evening and Stu and I have been having a debate since Thursday afternoon. Probably our longest one ever.
And also our most stupid one.
The issue in question is "Can I paint the fence in the garden terracotta?".
Yes I can, no you can't. It would remind you a lot of a pantomime at times. We came to a highlight on Friday lunch time when we made a compromise. I wouldn't use paint but wood polish protector with a slightly red tint instead. However after going to B&Q to buy the varnish, we have come up with the issue of "Is the garden furniture we were going to buy in the near future, going to fit with the fence colour?"
To be continued.
Andrew and Carrie also have their new car; a green MG. We tried to drive home from town with the four of us in it, which proved to be rather difficult and quite a challenge. Carrie and I on the back seat, hardly enough space for both our bums, let alone room enough to fit our heads in. Even with the roof open, we still wouldn't fit in. So Stu and I walked home instead.
Today was also the Grand National in Horse Racing.
It's tradition in the Scott family to bet money on 2 horses; just £1. And whoever chose the closest to the winner (or the winner) gets all the families £1.
Did (Stu's sister) won.
Carrie apparently went down the bookies (the real ones!!) and bet on the winning horse!! She put £1 in and got £16 out!!
It is now Saturday evening and Stu and I have been having a debate since Thursday afternoon. Probably our longest one ever.
And also our most stupid one.
The issue in question is "Can I paint the fence in the garden terracotta?".
Yes I can, no you can't. It would remind you a lot of a pantomime at times. We came to a highlight on Friday lunch time when we made a compromise. I wouldn't use paint but wood polish protector with a slightly red tint instead. However after going to B&Q to buy the varnish, we have come up with the issue of "Is the garden furniture we were going to buy in the near future, going to fit with the fence colour?"
To be continued.
Andrew and Carrie also have their new car; a green MG. We tried to drive home from town with the four of us in it, which proved to be rather difficult and quite a challenge. Carrie and I on the back seat, hardly enough space for both our bums, let alone room enough to fit our heads in. Even with the roof open, we still wouldn't fit in. So Stu and I walked home instead.
Today was also the Grand National in Horse Racing.
It's tradition in the Scott family to bet money on 2 horses; just £1. And whoever chose the closest to the winner (or the winner) gets all the families £1.
Did (Stu's sister) won.
Carrie apparently went down the bookies (the real ones!!) and bet on the winning horse!! She put £1 in and got £16 out!!
Thursday, April 01, 2004
Religious freak-out
So God and Jesus is one person!!??
YAHA. Apparently I got that one wrong...
We received this leaflet in the post this morning saying "Wake up with Jesus". Now normally I wouldn't be that interested if it weren't for the fact the leaflet looked like the front of Kellog's cornflakes. (I thought that was pretty clever!) So we started this discussion this morning and apparently Jesus and God are 1 person.
I'm gob smacked.
I actually read the bible when I studied History of Art at University and thought it might not be a bad idea knowing all the little people on paintings and stuff. But there wasn't one second whilst reading this bestseller that I thought we were talking about the one and only super human.
Was Jesus having conversations with himself when he was looking for advice?
Who was God speaking to when he was sending warnings out about the bad people?
(yes, in my head we're still talking about the good guys and the bad guys!)
I'm very very very confused.
May be I should ask my friend Natalie for help. She's teaching Moral science now and she's always been a bit wacky with philosophy and 'deep' thinking; she might have a theory about this.
As promised, here are the pictures of my visit to Thomas the Tank Engine:
(I hope it makes more sense now!)

And here's one of the pictures of the photoshoot of the daffodils and Carrie:

So God and Jesus is one person!!??
YAHA. Apparently I got that one wrong...
We received this leaflet in the post this morning saying "Wake up with Jesus". Now normally I wouldn't be that interested if it weren't for the fact the leaflet looked like the front of Kellog's cornflakes. (I thought that was pretty clever!) So we started this discussion this morning and apparently Jesus and God are 1 person.
I'm gob smacked.
I actually read the bible when I studied History of Art at University and thought it might not be a bad idea knowing all the little people on paintings and stuff. But there wasn't one second whilst reading this bestseller that I thought we were talking about the one and only super human.
Was Jesus having conversations with himself when he was looking for advice?
Who was God speaking to when he was sending warnings out about the bad people?
(yes, in my head we're still talking about the good guys and the bad guys!)
I'm very very very confused.
May be I should ask my friend Natalie for help. She's teaching Moral science now and she's always been a bit wacky with philosophy and 'deep' thinking; she might have a theory about this.
(I hope it makes more sense now!)

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